
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

You can find the replication files on my OSF profile.

Peer reviewed journal articles

Tisch Daria, Manuel Schechtl (2024): The gender (tax) gap in parental transfers. Evidence from administrative inheritance and gift tax data. Socio-Economic Review, online first,

Schechtl, Manuel, Daria Tisch (2024): Tax Principles, Policy Feedback, and Self-Interest: Cross-National Experimental Evidence on Wealth Tax Preferences. Socio-Economic Review, Volume 22(1), 279–300, , replication files.

Tisch, Daria, Emma Ischinsky (2023): Top wealth and its historical origins: Identifying entrenched fortunes by linking rich lists over 100 years. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World doi/10.1177/23780231231192774, replication files.

Emma Ischinsky, Daria Tisch (2023): Women in the Global Super Rich. An analysis of the Forbes World’s Billionaires List, 2010 - 2023. Australian Feminist Studies, replication files.

Tisch, Daria, Tamara Gutfleisch (2023): Unequal but just? Experimental evidence on (gendered) distributive justice principles in parental financial gifts. Socio-Economic Review, Volume 21(3), 1369–1390,, replication files.

Kapelle, Nicole, Nutz, Theresa, Tisch, Daria, Schechtl, Manuel, Lersch, Philipp M. & Struffolino, Emanuela (2022): My wealth, (y)our life satisfaction? Sole and joint wealth ownership and life satisfaction in marriage. European Journal of Population, 38, 811–834,, replication files.

Tisch, Daria (2021) „My Gain or Your Loss? Changes in within-Couple Relative Wealth and Partners’ Life Satisfaction“. European Sociological Review (37, 2) 271–286,, replication files.

Tisch, Daria, Philipp Lersch (2021) „Distributive Justice in Marriage: Experimental Evidence on Beliefs about Fair Savings Arrangements“. Journal of Marriage and Family (83, 2) 516-533,, replication files.

Lutter, Mark, Karlijn Roex, Daria Tisch (2020) „Anomie or imitation? The Werther effect of celebrity suicides on suicide rates in 34 OECD coun- tries, 1960–2014“, Social Science and Medicine (246),

Lutter, Mark, Daria Tisch, Jens Beckert (2018) „Social Explanations of Lottery Play: New Evidence Based on National Survey Data“, Journal of Gambling Studies (34) 1185–1203,


Tisch, Daria, Tamara Gutfleisch (2022): Gerechtigkeitsprinzipien bei elterlichen Schenkungen. Scientific Use File. Datendokumentation.

Schechtl, Manuel, Daria Tisch (2023): Tax Principles, Policy Feedback, and Self- Interest: Cross-National Experimental Evidence on Wealth Tax Preferences. Replication package including data, doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/QU9ZA.


Tisch, Daria (2021) “Perceptions of Gender Wealth Inequalities within the Family”. Dissertation.

Working papers

Tisch, Daria, Emma Ischinsky (2023): Top Wealth and Its Historical Origins. An Analysis of Germany’s Largest Privately Held Fortunes in 2019. MPIfG Discussion Paper 23/1. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2023

Tisch, Daria, Manuel Schechtl (2023): The Gender (Tax) Gap in Parental Transfers. Evidence from administrative inheritance and gift tax data. Stone Center Working Paper Series. no. 68 presentation

Work in progress

Urbina, Daniela R., Daria Tisch: Division of Housework and Perceptions of Fairness: What Justifies Unequal Housework Arrangements?

Schechtl, Manuel, Daria Tisch, Nhat An Trinh: The Dynastic Principle of Wealth Reproduction

Nutz, Theresa, Kapelle, Nicole & Daria Tisch: Gendered pathways to wealth: The self-assessed relevance of different accumulation channels across the wealth distribution. Under review.

Tisch, Daria, Franziska Pradel: How can the social sciences benefit from knowledge graphs? A case study on using Wikidata and Wikipedia to examine the world’s billionaires. Under Open Review

Lillie, Karen, Charlotte de Alwis & Daria Tisch: Elite education and the super-rich

Tisch, Daria: Preservation of large fortunes over multiple generations in Germany : How do elite family networks relate to wealth preservation in Germany?

Media coverage

Warum Frauen weniger erben und trotzdem mehr Steuern zahlen Zeit Online

Gender tax gap. Wie die deutsche Steuer Frauen diskriminiert Zeit Online - Instagram

Wie Frauen bei Erbschaften und Schenkungen benachteiligt werden FR

Frauen erben weniger und zahlen dann sogar mehr Steuern! RTL

Söhne bevorzugt Monitor - WDR - Instagram

Wo das alte Geld seit hundert Jahren wohnt Zeit Online

True Crime-Podcast “Mordlust - Verbrechen und ihre Hintergründe”, Folge 142 Der letze Wille

Studie: Frauen erben weniger als Männer – und zahlen dennoch mehr Erbschaftssteuer Merkur

Altes Geld: Wo die reichsten Familien Deutschlands leben Merkur